7 days with #GenerasiGIGIH

The journey of me as a data analyst in 2021

muhammad triargi
2 min readJul 12, 2021
Be like superheroes, your superpower is your main key

Hi Fellows, Argi here!

About a week ago I was given the opportunity to advance to the intermediate stage of #GenerasiGIGIH powered by the Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa and Gojek company.

It’s an exciting moment to get to know more about the data industry with insightful discussions, stories, and actions I take with the guidance of data experts.

Data is a supporting component for decision-making because all lines of life are data-driven, not just assumptions. Max Levchin as Co-founder of PayPal once said, “The world is now awash in data and we can see consumers in a lot clearer ways”. Of course, this can be a bit of evidence that with data we can ‘see’ an event more objectively because there are facts as the basis for the analysis process.

I would like to thank Kak Desti and Kak Tatha for teaching me how to communicate effectively as data enthusiasts in English, and Kak Aida for making this week’s learning process enjoyable, also thank you Kak Favian, Kak Kiswanti, Kak Wanda, and Kak Adji have shared and inspired me about why data is important in solving problems and making decisions in a business process.

Besides that, I must learn and understand business processes because it is very essential to understand the core of the business. This can be obtained by sharing and discussing with many people involved in a business, and the most important thing is LISTENING. Why? Because by being a good listener, of course, we will understand more about the business process.

Still, confused? It is certain, especially given some new knowledge about data warehouses, big data, and their details. But I believe the desire to understand data science will continue as long as we are curious and have a growth mindset spirit. Therefore Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn are indispensable in the learning process to become a data analyst at #GenerasiGIGIH

Someone once said, “Master the concept first, then you will be the best with the tools you are comfortable with/required”.

Don’t forget! Connect with me at linkedin.com/in/muhammad-triargi

Thank you, Fellows :)

