#GenerasiGIGIH effect

The things I feel as a result of joining this program

muhammad triargi
2 min readJul 19, 2021
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

Hi Fellows, Argi here!

This is so much fun! Yes, that’s the first thing I said when I found out about data analysts. Nevertheless, everything changed when I learned about it. I have a lot of knowledge to learn starting from translating business problems into data science problems, understanding programming languages, processes in data analysis, visualization processes, and others. Of course, this left me confused about what things I should study. That’s why I tried to find learning resources and took online courses on data science, especially data analysts. However, it turns out that this still doesn’t make me confident that my data analysis skills are in line with the company’s expectations of data analysts.

Until one day, I was introduced to a program called #GenerasiGIGIH by one of my friends. I was curious and enrolled, long story short I was accepted into this program and passed to the intermediate stage. In the intermediate stage during these two weeks, I have gained a lot of new knowledge, starting from the knowledge of technical skills and soft skills. Yes, soft skills, this is what I did not get in my previous courses and learning resources. It is a rare opportunity for me to acquire this useful knowledge. Starting from the way a data analyst thinks, how to communicate efficiently and effectively at work, how to build personal branding, how to express opinions in a job discussion, how to resolve conflicts at work, and much more. Many group discussions were also conducted in this learning process, where participants were asked to solve a business problem and find a solution. This is not necessarily what I will get outside the #GenerasiGIGIH program.

The knowledge I received in the #GenerasiGIGIH program was very beneficial. Useful both for work and in everyday life, such as in the process of thinking in solving a problem and in making decisions. I want to be ready when I graduate from the #GenerasiGIGIH program to become a data analyst and apply the knowledge I have earned during this program, especially in working as a data analyst.

I highly recommend for friends there to join the next #GenerasiGIGIH program. Because not only craving my technical skills are honed, but my soft skills will also be sharpened and developed in this program.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow

Don’t forget! Connect with me at linkedin.com/in/muhammad-triargi

Thank you, Fellows :)

